The WIIM Radio train keeps on chugging along as we’re all still at home riding this thing out with our fandom, our friendships, and our memories. We’ll be recording a new episode tonight.
As kind of a “coming attractions” note, we got a great email from longtime reader MCfubar with suggestions for kind of a large in-depth look at the Yzerplan that we’re going to be researching and rolling out in future episodes, so be on the lookout for that in future episodes.
In the meantime, we’ve got some more looking forward to do with the Red Wings, specifically in regards to the recent discussion about the team’s 12 pending RFA players and we’ll also address Jaysin Horror’s comment on our last episode in regards to a renewed look at the upcoming Seattle Expansion Draft and what it means especially for our goaltender situation.
But hey, just because we already got some mailbag-like content to work with for this episode doesn’t mean there isn’t room for plenty more. Drop your mailbag questions below and we’ll get those answered in my favorite segment of the show. Thanks and LGRW!