Red Wings News
I’m not unhappy that people are coming to Chiarot’s defense – he’s still an NHL defenseman (and I very much am not). And I’m actually glad that Lalonde isn’t putting much stock in +/-, given that we know how flawed that stat can be for individuals. I am, however, unhappy that Lalonde quickly pivots to hits as a measurable for Chiarot and then to blocked shots. Hits are already dubiously counted by rink and are themselves of questionable value in a game measured by goals scored… but how much stock do we really want to put into blocked shots as a stat when they are only achieved due to the other team being on offense?
I’ll leave these thoughts open to the community – if someone has a high number of blocked shots, isn’t that most likely indicative of them playing more time in their defensive zone? Wouldn’t we rather have guys that can take possession and quickly transition the team onto offense? I’d also be interested to see any correlations between blocked shots and possession numbers, as well as if anyone out there tracks shots blocked vs shots faced (which I think would be a better metric). I feel like I just made a weekend project for myself…
Around The League
Take pre-season shutouts with a big grain of uncut Himalayan salt rock… but it’s still a good showing for the Lightning’s Jonas Johansson in the face of Vasilevskiy’s recovery. GMs, and probably Yzerman in particular given our situation in net, have to be wondering how his play will affect the possibility of sneaking a goalie or two thru the waiver wire.